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Алексей Чайчиц не понимает, почему ему не везет с девушками
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Фитнес-модель поправилась на 6 размеров, чтобы стать счастливой

Модель plus-size не скрывает, что когда могла похвастаться рельефным телом, это ее не радовало.

Австралийская модель Латисия Томас опубликовала в своем Instagram фотоколлаж, демонстрирующий, как она поправилась на 6 размеров. Модель plus-size не скрывает, что когда-то была фитнес-моделью и могла похвастаться рельефным телом, но это ее не радовало.

"Я помню, насколько была несчастна на фотографии слева", – признается девушка.

"Я испытывала отвращение к некоторым частям своего тела, особенно ненавидела ягодицы и бедра, потому что никак не могла уменьшить их объем. Я была настолько не уверена в себе, поэтому постоянно сравнивала себя с другими женщинами", – пишет Латисия.

Девушка утверждает, что полнота сделала ее счастливой.

Channeling the major babes of @si_swimsuit ?? AND sorry not sorry to the sensitive Sally's that have a problem with underboob or a fullfigured woman in a swimsuit?? ?- Shop this fire swimsuit at @maryhollandlingerie ?- photo wizardry by @rockybatchelor #getitgirrrrl

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"Многие люди смотрят на коллаж и говорят, что я выглядела намного привлекательней, когда была худой. Но я люблю свою сегодняшнюю форму, потому что психологическое здоровье так же важно, как и физическое..." Отметим, на Инстаграм девушки подписаны более 374 000 тысяч человек.

Put that bikini on and own it ladies? I used to avoid the beach, it's crazy how much changes when you have a different outlook ? Swimsuit - @maryhollandlingerie Shot by - @rockybatchelor

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I have no problem sharing my raw, bare face, jiggly self. I cannot dance for fucking shit even if my life depended on it and I could care fkn less Haha I surround my self with positive energy which in this case is being created by Rod Stewart ? Real talk, life is too short to have insecurities. Have fun and stop comparing yourself to others and letting fear hold you back from what you've dreamed of doing. I love seeing women empowered, fearless and smashing their goals. Confidence is contagious and flippin sexy in my opinion. Have fun, love yourself, be confident, feel empowered and say fuck you to the insecurities that society/ the media tries to trap you into. Get it mamas ???

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I wanted to put up a little look into one of my gym sessions because I have so many people message me about what I do. Also I want all the people that tell me to go to the gym to shut the F*%! Up and stay in their own lane because I do honey, I do go to the gym ?? A little background about me, I LOVE training especially strength training, I've been doing this from a young age so I'm quiet confident to walk into a gym and put together something on my own. I had someone say to me, "why do you go to the gym if you don't want to loose weight? What's the point" For me it's several things, I love training, plain and simple - it helps me clear my mind. Strength training increases bone density and reduces the risk of osteo which is something that's in my family so I'm staying ontop of it by lifting weights. ALSO, I like to move my body. it's important to be active, just because I'm comfortable with my weight and how I look doesn't mean I should disregard being active. It's crazy to me that by being full figured you can cop shit about being active, WTF is this world we live in, constantly criticising people about absolutely everything even if it's benefiting their health, Fucking NUT jobs!! In this video I do, deadlifts- @ 65kg which isn't my heaviest but that's what I felt like doing. Leg press- I do 8-10 reps and on the last rep and do mini pulses ( which is what you see in the video) to burn the muscle. I did 60kg not including the sled. Lunge with knee raise- 10kg- Lower weight but I go higher in the reps American kettle bell swings paired with burpees- 12kg 8-10 swings with 10 burpees 3 rounds. This was just a portion of my workout. I also do cardio on the days when I need to recover, or straight after a strength training session and I normally do incline walking for a minimum of 30 mins. Also if you feel it's necessary at any point to comment on my form, what you really need is to chill the f out. At the end of the day, only you know what's best for your body just like I know what's best for mine. make sure you consult a professional before introducing anything new into your routine. ? Leggings- @exoticathletica

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I found you ms. new booty ? lol who remembers that bubba sparxxx track? Wearing @swimsuitsforall @theashleygraham swimsuit #swimsuitsforall

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Dying to be in warmer weather and frolicking in a swimsuit ?I hope all my beautiful ladies are stepping out of their comfort zone and are wearing swimwear! ? Wearing a @swimsuitsforall bikini set

A post shared by ?????? ???La'Tecia (@lateciat) on

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